Thursday, May 6, 2010

Its been a while!

Well just like usual a lot has happened, and a lot of time has gone by. Sorry!
This past weekend I went to another farm, but this time the farm of my host family. It was a four hour drive, and the country side is so beautiful. I saw four hours of farms and ranches and tons of horses and cows. Sadly though two of the hours were on dirt road :/ We all got really really car sick. It was such a relief when we got to the house! The first thing Aomsin and I did was take a bunch of photos of the beautiful views and the surroundings. I was planning on posting them, but this website isn't accepting the photos right now, so if you have a facebook, you can see them all on there!
At the farm we did all kind of fun things. On Saturday we went fishing and rode horses and had a delicious barbeque. And on Sunday we got up really early to go milk the cows, which was really funny because Celine, my two year old sister, is completly obsessed with cows. My mom had us all drink fresh warm cow milk. I almost choked. It tasted good but the texture was so different! There was also a lot of different types of food and fruits at the farm so it was really interesting to try all these new things.
This week I finally got my school books! Thank goodness there aren't books for each class, because otherwise I would have way too many books to fit in my bag! Also Aomsin and I have found a Portuguese teacher, and so this week we started lessons. We will have three lessons a week in grammar and forming sentences, which is exactly what we need. I'm able to pick up the vocabulary and phrases from hearing it all the time, but speaking with correct grammar is nearly impossible, so I'm really excited about this!

Sorry for the short post, I will try to get up photos and something more interesting up soon!

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